I’ve been obsessed with telling stories for as long as I can remember.
As a kid in Istanbul, I had pen pals worldwide. Every week, I’d get a letter in the mail, one of those airmail envelopes with far-off stamps. The letters were like portals to incredible stories from kids my age, living different lives. It was a fascinating world! We’d exchange photos, sweets, and stickers, and I’d write back, trying to make my life sound as cool as theirs.
When I turned 18, I got really into theatre and decided to start writing plays. After university I spent more than ten years in London, soaking up the theatre scene. That’s where I figured out how to create work that keeps people on the edge of their seats – seriously satisfying stuff.
Now, what’s the secret sauce to a gripping story? How do you write copy that really hits readers in the feels?
It’s no secret.
I believe nothing beats genuine content. You want content that people can connect with, that paints pictures or stirs up emotions. Content with a personal touch, a story behind it.
Anything else just falls flat.
If you’re searching for someone to bring your stories to life, count on me.